
Posts Tagged ‘glow sticks’

The best joke of the day, any day, every day, guaranteed:

What did the wall say to the blind robot?

“Stop running in to me!”

Like a smooth aged whisky give it a moment to hit you, then you’ll feel the warmth.  Share it and spread it, it’s an original, from Mr. Chad Woodward.

How far can you walk without running into a wall you hit yesterday, and the day before that…  Life is ever changing, dynamic, from conception to death, our lives are a series of cause and effect relationships.  Realizing that we are a part of the beautiful system of the world is a gift, and the power we have to be aware, observe, learn, and take action.  Leaves turn and change, grow and unfold, dry and fall to ride the wind.  Much of the manmade world is centered on the idea of control, constants, and attempting to lessen the frequency and severity of change.  Essentially creating many walls, and many blind robots.  Check your surroundings, and where your eyes are focused, and the path your feet are taking each day.  How far can you walk without running into a wall you hit yesterday, and the day before that… Surround yourself with nature, open your senses, and I guarantee your walk will be long, new, abundant, and beautiful.

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