
Posts Tagged ‘fun’

To clear skies and flying high in 2014!

To clear skies and flying high in 2014!

Welcome to the first day of 2014!

The beginning of the year can feel overwhelming.  We’re told to make resolutions, to start fresh, and to figure out how to make this year better than the last, and perhaps the best of our lives.

This year my intention is simple, instead of a list of resolutions or things, “I need to do in 2014”, I am choosing one thing from the last year to leave behind, and one thing from last year to carry with me into 2014.

I will leave behind worry and stress about money.  I will carry with me patience.

Clarity. Love. Abundance. Growth.

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Regular followers of this blog will recognize the following poem I wrote and first posted in 2009.  I remember reading it out loud to the Bikram Class I taught in Corvallis, Oregon on Christmas Day Class.

Clement Clarke Moore (1779 – 1863) wrote the poem Twas the night before Christmas also called “A Visit from St. Nicholas” in 1822, below adapted to suit the holiday celebration of the physical body in “Bikram’s Torture Chamber”.

“Twas 90 minutes on Christmas”

-Alex Newport-Berra

Twas savasana on Christmas, in the hot Bikram room,
not a muscle was twitching, like a corpse in a tomb.
The mats were lined up, on the floor with care,
in hopes that salty sweat, soon would be there.

The students relaxed, all snug in the heat,
while life hurried by, outside on the street.
With the teacher ready, and the students on the mat,
dedicated bodies began moving, this way and that.

When up in my brain there arose such a clatter,
I fell out of the posture, to worsen the matter,
Gazing into the mirror, I saw much more than my knee
Bikram says it’s cosmic, and I’m beginning to see.

The sweat on my chest, dripping to my toes down below,
gave my body the lustre of a rare gem on show.
When then, to my wandering mind should appear,
a big plate of nachos, and a six-pack of beer!

With a mental mirage so clever and quick,
I knew it in a moment, to be a monkey mind trick!
So calmer and deeper my breathing I made,
to ensure that the distractions, quickly, would fade.

Never too poor, never too sick,

never too healthy, or fat, like St. Nick.

To become sweat-proof, bullet-proof, proof of it all,
“Lock your knee!  Lock your knee!”  I heard the teacher call.

Pranayama exhales make the loud “ha” noise,
the postures’ balance and focus, bring my life poise.
All life is yoga, it’s certainly true,
health and vitality is right here for you.

Sweat came sprinkling, from my neighbor’s raised arm,
after camel I heard groaning, like an old dairy farm.
As I turned back my head, I lost sight of myself
and caught a brief glimpse behind me of a small Santa’s elf!
He was dressed in short-shorts, the rest of him bare,

lacking even a pointy cap to cover his hair.
His back-bending looked strained, most likely due,
to his crafting in the workshop, ’till his knuckles were blue.

The warmth it was clear, made his circulation merry,
his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.
He had both legs locked out in his standing head to knee,
and his stout little body filled me with glee.

During seperate leg stretching, blood rushed to my head,
flooded my brain with oxygen, turning me red.
It was then I came to realize, that much like the elf
I was creating a gift, of peace, for my Self.

Each posture creating an un-wrapping of sorts,
no, not like that, I kept on my shorts.
Every part of my body I’ve learned to treasure,
like a true gift of love, far beyond measure.

In final savasana I heard not a word.

I felt I was soaring, on a golden winged bird.

My body was at peace, and so was my mind,

releasing my Self from the stressors that bind.

Twenty-six and two breathing, not a cell left untouched,
now the body at peace, and the mind just as much.
And as you drive off today, still dripping with sweat,
Here’s one phrase I hope, you won’t soon forget:
“From the top of your head, to the tips of your toes,
your changing the body by holding the pose!”

Namaste, and Peace on  Earth.

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Sunshine doing its things above Upper Albert Lake in the Russian Wilderness.

Sunshine doing its things above Upper Albert Lake in the Russian Wilderness.

The day unfolds with rays of sun,

rainbow spectrums fueling fun.

Oceans, mountains, rivers and stones,

a beautiful playground for my flesh and bones.

Let the wind’s strength carry a call,

the coming of winter, the passing of fall.

Let the sun shine on, I am its kin,

its blood warms my heart and all that’s within.

I thank the sun, before it turns to night,

that it gives me life to be a colorful light.

-Alex Newport-Berra

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Aloha Friday!  Jump, float, hover and hummmmm.  Get some sun on your face, or, if it’s gray out go get some rain on your face.  Do it with a smile, and let that grin stay a while.  So much ocean and so little land.  Discover those nooks and crannies, near and far.  Find a tree to hug, and actually hug it.  After that practice round give one to a friend, you’ll both be the better for it.  Gravity enables us realize how amazing it is to fly.

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I hope your Aloha Friday is full of good views, nature, some time to get out and move, yoga and friends!  As depicted here from the little fornt porch

I hope your Aloha Friday is full of good views, nature, some time to get out and move, yoga and friends! As depicted here from the little front porch of the cabin where Matt and I stayed in the Grand Teton National Park.  This is looking east, the mountains behind to the west.

Aloha Friday! And if you aren’t in Hawai’i right now, like me, or if you have no idea what Aloha Friday is all about, click this link to see my first post explaining it all.  A day to bask in the glory of the coming weekend, to relish the highlights of the work week and take stock and express gratitude in some way for all the amazing ways we experience the world!

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A prismatic polychromatic spectrum of E.R.M., like white sunlight through a crystal, 26.2 facets through which to radiate my own energy and inspiration.

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The best joke of the day, any day, every day, guaranteed:

What did the wall say to the blind robot?

“Stop running in to me!”

Like a smooth aged whisky give it a moment to hit you, then you’ll feel the warmth.  Share it and spread it, it’s an original, from Mr. Chad Woodward.

How far can you walk without running into a wall you hit yesterday, and the day before that…  Life is ever changing, dynamic, from conception to death, our lives are a series of cause and effect relationships.  Realizing that we are a part of the beautiful system of the world is a gift, and the power we have to be aware, observe, learn, and take action.  Leaves turn and change, grow and unfold, dry and fall to ride the wind.  Much of the manmade world is centered on the idea of control, constants, and attempting to lessen the frequency and severity of change.  Essentially creating many walls, and many blind robots.  Check your surroundings, and where your eyes are focused, and the path your feet are taking each day.  How far can you walk without running into a wall you hit yesterday, and the day before that… Surround yourself with nature, open your senses, and I guarantee your walk will be long, new, abundant, and beautiful.

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Rainbows were all over the place last Tuesday, a big shipment must have come in with the dark rain clouds on the weather semi-truck that seems to visiting the Rogue Valley frequently and off-loading all its merchandise at the atmospheric loading dock here in town.

This past Friday, Saturday and Sunday I took advantage of the warmer weather, some of it wet, some of it dry, and made a trip each day on the bike up to the Mt. Ashland ski lodge.  Each day provided different experience, as the weather, riding partners, and all changed each day.  Here is one of them, more to come of the other trips.


I called up my friend John, and used my best phone sales-man technique to convince him that a ride up Mt. Ashland would be nice weather, warm, and dry. Turned out this was the most blue sky we saw all day, and as for the dryness, well, it was dryer than taking a bath. I guess that weather truck shipment had unloaded a bit of merchandise to distribute through the week. John and I kept climbing, lured by thoughts of a warm ski lodge waiting at the top.

A little less than halfway up the 15 mile climb is Callahans Lodge, they have a beautiful lobby and seating area that usually features a big roaring fire, as you can see, there is no smoke from the chimney, means no fire, means we gotta keep pedaling up up to keep our own fire burning. Just after seeing this sign a large, multi-colored semi truck whizzed past us at a high rate of speed...

And a couple miles later we saw that it had crashed, leaking precious rainbow batter all over the road. Refer back to the first pic of this post, rainbows just don't come from anywhere, they come from the factory, which delivers them on trucks, and sometimes those trucks crash.

Riding through the snow, just near the top of the climb at 6,850 feet. Not bad weather considering it's the middle of December.

The lodge. All they need is: a hot tub, a good restaurant and espresso bar, a fire place with real wood. Though this will have to do.


John on the left, me on the right, fire at our backs making us feel more alright. Miles of smiles make the raindrops worth-whiles, even rainbows on the ground and clouds in the sky couldn't hamper our spirits or make us question our try.

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