
Archive for March, 2009

Hyatt Prairie, just past the gateway to summer rides on the east side of the Siskiyou Mountians.

Hyatt Prairie, just past the gateway to high desert rides on the east side of the Siskiyou Mountains.

It has been a while since my last post.  Life’s beauty sometimes leaves less desire for the keyboard.  I have had many experiences, thoughts, and musings to share with you though getting the life into words, and those words from the head to the hands to the computer to you is a process that does not follow linear time.  New words are here now, and so are you, let’s go on…

You’ve been married for years, though you may not know it.  It’s true.  Even with no ring on your finger, no children in the house and even if you haven’t graduated from high school, you are married.  And you’re married for life, no option for divorce.

During lectures and classes Bikram often refers to the concept of the “Indian Marriage”, as he says, “no windows, no doors, no way out”.  And indeed that is the binding truth of an arranged marriage, a choice made by the parents of the couple to be.

Words from Bikram’s classes and lectures surface in my mind on a daily basis.  Recently, just after taking a class, I came to realize the meaning behind Bikram’s emphasis on the Indian Marriage.  That it is an accurate and honest metaphor for the connection between each human’s destiny of connection with body and the mind.

The moment I was born into this world wedding bells chimed and a bouquet was thrown, more likely me screaming and my Dad cutting the umbilical chord, however, a marriage had just taken place.  An arranged marriage, much like the Indian Marriage Bikram speaks of, with no way out.  A union decided not by me, but by my Mom and Dad.

This marriage I speak of occurred for everyone, at the moment of birth.

Think of it, a newborn baby, instead of wrapping the infant in a fresh blanket, the nurses use fingerpaint and write “Just Married” on the baby’s back and tie white streamers and empty beer cans around its waist, ready for the life long union, until death do mind and body part.

I have much more to write about on this, for now let your mind explore,let your body explore, and think if you are in need of marriage counseling for the mind and body, or perhaps you are still enjoying the honeymoon…  More in a couple days.

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